Automatic PDF Processor - Changelog

October 19, 2024

Version 1.40.0

  • Fixed regression in OCR: the output file was always created at 200 dpi
  • In case of errors, reprocessing can now be attempted at a later time
    • Profile settings -> General -> Repeat the process if an error occurs
    • New log tab Retry
    • New notification option 'Notify after failure of all retries'
  • Files can be reprocessed from the log (right click -> Reprocess file)

September 29, 2024

Version 1.39.0

  • OCR improvements, including smaller output files
  • Support for 32-bit Windows discontinued

September 18, 2024

Version 1.38.1

  • Catching up in combination with a longer pause after sending an email could lead to a premature termination of the processing.

September 17, 2024

Version 1.38.0

  • Options -> Send Settings: An installed Outlook is now only accessed when Outlook is selected as send method
  • Notifications for No Match were non-functional
  • Log: the profile name has been removed from the tab No Match
  • For notifications, the original and current path are now displayed
  • The name of the category Notifications has been changed to Subsequently
  • New options in category Subsequently:
    • Move file to profile-specific directory in case of errors
    • Move file to profile-specific directory if filter criteria are not met
  • In the task-specific subsequent processing, the replacement of data extraction placeholders did not take place
  • Options -> Send Settings: tab File Sending is now in first place, i.e., before the settings for notifications

August 26, 2024

Version 1.37.0

  • Centrally managed profiles: Activation status of individual profiles can now be changed by the user
  • Centrally managed profiles: Additional option 'Suppress automatic processing in admin mode'

August 12, 2024

Version 1.36.0

  • New task Use Template: Replace placeholders in a copy of the template file with extracted values from the respective PDF file and then save the file or embed it in the PDF file.

August 9, 2024

Version 1.35.6

  • The 'Outlook' send option was hidden by default.

August 7, 2024

Version 1.35.5

  • Smaller optimizations.

August 5, 2024

Version 1.35.4

  • Problem fixed: deviating preview result for queries based on placeholders

August 5, 2024

Version 1.35.3

  • With damaged or orphaned Outlook installations, the options dialog could sometimes no longer be opened because the determination of the Outlook email accounts caused a hang.
  • Smaller optimizations.

July 30, 2024

Version 1.35.2

  • In the case of several rules with failed queries, there could be a discrepancy between the preview result and the actual result.

July 29, 2024

Version 1.35.1

  • When combining placeholders in the 'User-defined text' data source, filter placeholders such as <AND> and <OR> can now also be entered without a message indicating orphaned placeholders appearing.

July 24, 2024

Version 1.35.0

  • Placeholders can now be combined in the Custom Text data source
  • Problem fixed: Incorrect preview for the data sources Placeholders, Form Data in combination with a query
  • Options -> Send with an online Exchange server: button Remove Stored Credentials for removing cached online Exchange credentials

July 4, 2024

Version 1.34.4

  • The cleanup now also supports the data type 'Date'.

July 4, 2024

Version 1.34.3

  • When replacing using an Excel file, the process was not aborted after the first successful replacement. Multiple replacements could therefore occur.

July 2, 2024

Version 1.34.2

  • For CSV files with unmasked quotation marks, the name, file name and the corresponding line number are now displayed.

July 2, 2024

Version 1.34.1

  • Better visibility of problems with CSV files in the error report

June 24, 2024

Version 1.34.0

  • Additional option for sending emails: Sending via Exchange Online
  • New option in Profile settings -> Send file -> Send settings: Replace special characters and umlauts in the names of attachments

June 6, 2024

Version 1.33.0

  • Encrypted PDF files for which the password is not known can now also be processed. For example, these files can be sent or renamed. The folders for these files must be added in: Options -> Other -> Allowed source folders with files without a known password

June 3, 2024

Version 1.32.1

  • Problem with incorrect rotation detection of PDF pages fixed.
  • New Pdfium version.

May 25, 2024

Version 1.32.0

  • For the OCR process, allowed and disallowed characters can now be defined.
  • Send File task: An option has been added to the Send Settings tab to be able to send messages without the primary file or without any attachments.
  • Minor optimizations.
  • Certificate renewed.

April 15, 2024

Version 1.31.5

  • For the tasks 'Split' and 'Make searchable', a note has been added that an additional profile is required for the individual further processing of documents (e.g., for renaming by file content).

April 11, 2024

Version 1.31.4

  • Error corrections and optimizations.

April 8, 2024

Version 1.31.3

  • Environment variables can now also be used for the storage location.

April 7, 2024

Version 1.31.2

  • When adding a monitored folder by specifying the path, the button for selecting the folder was not available, only when editing the path. The same applies to the sample files.

April 6, 2024

Version 1.31.1

  • Environment variables can now also be used when specifying the monitored folder.
  • Smaller optimizations.

April 3, 2024

Version 1.31.0

  • Support for the new, additionally available lifetime licenses.
  • Smaller optimizations.

March 27, 2024

Version 1.30.15

  • Fixed regression: Splitting on changes to placeholder values only worked for documents in which the placeholder provided a valid result on every page.
  • Smaller optimizations.

March 21, 2024

Version 1.30.14

  • Recipient lists (simple text files or CSV files) are now supported when sending emails
  • Problem fixed: Automatic extraction of a date from the file name was not supported
  • Problem fixed: If underscores were adjacent to a date, date detection did not work
  • Fixed problem with using placeholders as data source if there were several placeholders with the same name and the first of this group did not return a valid result

March 5, 2024

Version 1.30.13

  • The check that all data extraction rules provide a valid result now also takes place for the 'Print' and 'Delete' tasks. This enables additional filter options compared to using the standard filter.

February 22, 2024

Version 1.30.12

  • Corrected a regression in the configuration of the send settings: a set delay after sending messages was only applied when sending via Outlook

February 21, 2024

Version 1.30.11

  • File name filter: A selection option for the scope has been added. This allows you to specify whether the filter should only apply to the original file name or whether it should apply continuously, i.e. even after renaming. Existing profiles are given the latter option, new profiles the former (as preset).

February 12, 2024

Version 1.30.10

  • Problem fixed: manually entered folder paths with a trailing slash were not processed.
  • Entries in the list of watched folders can now be edited with a double-click.
  • The profile import window was too narrow.

February 10, 2024

Version 1.30.9

  • Task 'Send file': placeholders (extracted data) can now also be used for CC and BCC recipients.

February 6, 2024

Version 1.30.8

  • Newly introduced problem fixed: Crash when opening the options if no Outlook was installed.

February 5, 2024

Version 1.30.7

  • The Outlook send settings have been extended.
  • Error corrections and optimizations.

February 1, 2024

Version 1.30.6

  • The 'Remove password' task is now executed as the first task.
  • For groupings with data extraction problems: processing is no longer retried on each run. Instead, an error log entry is added and an error notification is sent.
  • Error corrections and optimizations for file groupings.

January 24, 2024

Version 1.30.5

  • The processing log data when sending mails now also contains CC and BCC recipients
  • When sending mails via SMTP, the server's response is now also available in the log data (if it does not match OK)
  • Fixed bug when using the data source Placeholder: if the name of the rule using the placeholder appeared multiple times in the list, the reading of the available placeholders was stopped at the first rule with the name

January 22, 2024

Version 1.30.4

  • Toggle switch for splitting: Start partial documents with an empty document, start partial documents with the structure and objects of the original document
  • Monitored folders/Example files: the path can be edited, deleting and adding is no longer necessary in any case
  • New Pdfium version
  • Optimizations and bug fixes

December 28, 2023

Version 1.30.3

  • Changes to user-defined date formats could cause incorrect validity in the preview due to a buffer
  • Message window regarding the use of form data: 'Different forms within a profile are not supported. All sample files must have the same form type respectively the same form field names.'
  • Fixed regression: the previously added determination of form data prevented splitting with placeholder value changes

December 18, 2023

Version 1.30.2

  • New: Possibility to enter a tabulator in the text fields for cleansing and the 'User-defined text' data source

December 8, 2023

Version 1.30.1

  • New OCR option: Make multiple pages searchable at the same time (requires more memory - enabled by default)
  • When importing data extraction rules, a crash could occur under certain conditions
  • The link to the step-by-step instructions in the menu bar was orphaned
  • Minor optimizations

November 30, 2023

Version 1.30.0

  • New data source: Form data
  • The options window is now resizable
  • Some memory leaks have been removed
  • Error fixed: When clicking on the menu item Program Help, the product page was called up instead of the online help

November 17, 2023

Version 1.29.0

  • The previous version of the library is now being used again for the OCR process. Although this produced larger files, it was more compatible with different document types.
  • New parameter 'Path incl. file name' for subsequent execution
  • Support of placeholders also for the subsequent execution
  • Search field for profile names, comments, monitored folders
  • New task: Removal of passwords
  • Splitting: Toggle switch - remove blank pages before/after splitting
  • Splitting: Toggle switch - separate before/after QR code
  • Splitting: New variant 'Split on blank pages'
  • When using a CSV file for queries, the columns for search value and result can now be specified. Previously, only one- or two-column lists were supported.
  • Copying libraries required for the OCR process did not work if the installation directory did not correspond to the standard.
  • Profile list: the last processing time (regular) was not displayed when using file groupings
  • Incorrect filter number in the barcode filter
  • Duplicating a profile with an odd number of parentheses produced an error message
  • Smaller optimizations and error corrections

October 23, 2023

Version 1.28.8

  • Scroll bar for log list
  • Added filter for date older/newer than x days, weeks, months, years
  • Smaller error corrections

October 6, 2023

Version 1.28.7

  • Extend data area -> to page margin: the top and bottom margins were determined upside down.

September 18, 2023

Version 1.28.6

  • If the recipient of an email sent via SMTP used a very old email client, such as Outlook 2003, it could happen that attachments with a very long name were displayed as 'Untitled attachment 001.pdf'.

September 15, 2023

Version 1.28.5

  • Fixed scaling problem when using English language.

September 12, 2023

Version 1.28.4

  • The profile settings window is now resizable.
  • Problem fixed: On older Windows versions, the maximum number of characters of the regex pattern is severely limited. Exceeding it caused a crash.

September 11, 2023

Version 1.28.3

  • Improved handling of hanging Outlook instances.

September 5, 2023

Version 1.28.2

  • New OCR option: convert PDF content to images beforehand.

September 2, 2023

Version 1.28.1

  • A scaling issue has been fixed.

August 19, 2023

Version 1.28.0

  • Send PDF files: the PDF file can now be password protected before sending - either with a fixed password or with a password provided by placeholder.

August 15, 2023

Version 1.27.8

  • Some optimizations.

August 15, 2023

Version 1.27.7

  • Some optimizations.

August 14, 2023

Version 1.27.6

  • Improved scaling at higher resolutions.
  • Missing translations added.

August 10, 2023

Version 1.27.5

  • Additional option when deleting files: delete empty parent folder as well.

August 9, 2023

Version 1.27.4

  • When restoring a backup, there was an error message.
  • After duplicating a profile, changes were occasionally not applied.
  • The error message when printing if a document cannot be read now corresponds to the original error message.
  • The check if a folder is already in the list of known folders is case-insensitive.
  • Some optimizations.

July 23, 2023

Version 1.27.3

  • Under certain circumstances, for optional files, there was a longer than necessary wait for a group to be complete.

July 23, 2023

Version 1.27.2

  • Some optimizations and error corrections.

July 18, 2023

Version 1.27.1

  • Occasionally the PDF library used did not return files searchable, but in their original state. There is now a comparison of the amount of text and up to two repetitions of the OCR process.

July 15, 2023

Version 1.27.0

Addditional options for moving files:

  • Move remaining files of the folder to the destination folder as well
  • Wait x seconds for further files
  • Delete the parent folder if it is empty

Addditional options for copying files:

  • Copy remaining files of the folder to the destination folder as well
  • Wait x seconds for further files

July 12, 2023

Version 1.26.4

  • An outdated compiler directive caused the tests of the non-blocking file grouping to give a successful result in the development environment, although this only partially worked in the shipped version.

July 10, 2023

Version 1.26.3

  • In case of several data extraction rules with the same name, only the result of the first data extraction rule was displayed in the path preview (e.g., path preview in the task Move Files). Now the group result is displayed, i.e. the result of the first data extraction rule with a valid value.
  • Processing details - latest entry occasionally showed an ongoing processing even though it was already completed.

Cleanup/Formatting Additions:

  • Remove leading lines until regex is matched
  • Remove leading lines until regex is not matched
  • Remove trailing lines until regex is matched
  • Remove trailing lines until regex is not matched

July 7, 2023

Version 1.26.2

  • New option in Options -> Processing: Treat moved files as already known (ignore them during regular processing).
  • New option: Also include older, already-known files in the primary subgroup if the filter criteria are met.
  • Bug fixed: Non-blocking processing on primary subgroup was delayed.

July 4, 2023

Version 1.26.1

  • Problem with new tab Processing Details fixed.

July 1, 2023

Version 1.26.0

  • New tab with processing details - shows the currently processed file and the application of the profiles.
  • The license expiration date is now displayed in the window title bar.
  • Error corrected: A file grouping with multiple files in primary subgroup and without a secondary subgroup resulted in a double processing.
  • Error corrected: The file grouping preview failed with multiple files in primary subgroup.
  • Error corrected: File grouping with non-blocking processing - when catching up, the program did wait the set time, although with this processing combination only a one-time check for completeness should be done.
  • Error corrected: When searching for keywords combined with a logical OR, the Case-sensitive (Aa) option was ignored and case-sensitivity always respected instead.

June 19, 2023

Version 1.25.0

  • Monitored folders and sample files can now also be added by specifying a path.
  • Multiple monitored folders can now be removed at once.
  • Missing translation added.
  • Improved detection of selection rectangle resizing in position based data extraction.
  • SMTP settings - option added: Check for revoked TLS/SSL certificates.
  • Fixed scaling problem in Send task.

June 12, 2023

Version 1.24.1

  • The filter for the path and file name is now evaluated with the current values and no longer with the original values. This means that the filter can additionally be used if one of the preceding profiles changes the file name.

June 12, 2023

Version 1.24.0

  • Completeness of file groupings can now be waited for in a non-blocking mode. In this mode, a group is checked (until the maximum waiting time is reached) on each pass to see if it is complete. If not, the profile is skipped until then. The new mode is activated by default. In Options -> Processing, switching back to the blocking mode is possible.
  • Bug fix: File grouping - unnecessarily long waiting time for optional files with an allowed number greater than 1

June 8, 2023

Version 1.23.8

  • When a cleanup action was switched from Replace to Remove, the replacement text was still used and the action returned an incorrect result as long as the replacement text was not removed.

June 5, 2023

Version 1.23.7

  • Automatic date detection: With invalid date formats, it could happen that the preview incorrectly displayed a valid date, but the processing failed. During date cleanup, the result could differ as well.

June 1, 2023

Version 1.23.6

  • Send PDF files: The input field for the message text now allows ten times the number of characters instead of only 32,000.
  • Missing translations added.

May 29, 2023

Version 1.23.5

  • The preview of file groupings was not based on the current state of the sample files under certain conditions.
  • In the profile settings, the indicator (1) is now displayed for file groupings even if only the primary file group is active.

May 24, 2023

Version 1.23.4

  • Problem solved: Under certain conditions, splitting documents by barcode only worked with QR codes.

May 16, 2023

Version 1.23.3

  • Fixed problem when catching up with activated processing pause.

May 11, 2023

Version 1.23.2

  • When splitting by QR code, an older detection method was still used.
  • A set pause between processing of multiple files was not respected when processing file groups.

May 2, 2023

Version 1.23.1

  • Fixed regression: Only PDF attachments could be sent as dynamic attachments.

April 30, 2023

Version 1.23.0

  • GS1-128 is additionally supported for barcodes.
  • The determined position of the selection rectangle for QR codes was incorrect in some cases.
  • Files made searchable have a significantly smaller file size.
  • The processing order of documents is now ensured by a separate sorting (at a certain point Windows no longer delivered the files sorted).

April 19, 2023

Version 1.22.8

  • "Options -> Processing: pause between processing multiple new files" - the option was not evaluated.

April 5, 2023

Version 1.22.7

  • When sending emails: specifying multiple recipients in the CC or BCC categories resulted in an error.

March 30, 2023

Version 1.22.6

  • Additional variant for splitting documents: 'Separator page with text'. This variant works only for searchable files or files made searchable with OCR in advance.

March 24, 2023

Version 1.22.5

  • Before applying a task, it is checked whether the file meets the filter criteria. Thereby, the current name and not the original name was used by mistake. If the file was renamed as well and a term was added that was not allowed to be included according to the filter criteria, other tasks of the profile were thus no longer applied.

March 13, 2023

Version 1.22.4

  • Optimizations for some international date formats

March 11, 2023

Version 1.22.3

  • Version 1.22.2 in the 64-bit variant still corresponded to version 1.22.1

March 9, 2023

Version 1.22.2

  • Problem solved: Recognition of certain long date formats.

March 9, 2023

Version 1.22.1

  • Problem solved: Wrong profile name in log after duplicating profiles with file groupings.
  • Some optimizations and error corrections.

March 1, 2023

Version 1.22.0

  • When using the Date data type, automatic date detection can be activated (date format from list, country-specific date format, all known date formats).
  • Filter for QR and barcodes - check for presence and/or the value.
  • Barcodes are now read consistently. Previously, when extracting based on a search term and position based, there was a different routine for identifying barcodes.
  • Subsequent tasks of a profile are no longer applied to the current document when an error occurs.
  • Profile-specific SMTP/Outlook settings.
  • Some optimizations and error corrections.

February 14, 2023

Version 1.21.17

  • The execution of the Rename task now takes again place before copying, so that a copy also receives the new file name.
  • If a file is locked, for example because it is open in Adobe Reader, the operation is aborted and retried at a later time. This affects only the primary file, not secondary files during processing of a file group.

February 8, 2023

Version 1.21.16

  • When determining the data area based on position, the selection rectangle can now be moved closer to the page edges.

February 6, 2023

Version 1.21.15

  • For the 'Query' and 'Query (with list)' data types, an empty query result was always allowed, regardless of whether the 'Allow empty query result' option was active.

January 4, 2023

Version 1.21.14

  • An error occurred when reading PDF files with corrupted image objects.

January 2, 2023

Version 1.21.13

  • When using the Custom Text data source, entering a text is now optional. Furthermore, the data type there is not considered any further. This allows an alternative result by adding a second rule with the same name, for example, if a search term does not occur in all documents.

December 22, 2022

Version 1.21.12

  • Send email with dyn. attachment: the optional specification of the source folder was not optional so far, it was actually required.
  • Send email with dyn. attachment: the software now checks for duplicates when adding attachments.

December 19, 2022

Version 1.21.11

  • Speed improvement when splitting using QR or barcodes.
  • Some optimizations.

December 19, 2022

Version 1.21.10

  • The data type "Query" and "Query (with list)" can now be combined as desired within a rule group (i.e., multiple rules with the same name) with other data types such as text. This makes it possible to check in error cases whether the searched term was contained in the document at all and to specify an alternative result for either case.
  • Bug fixed: query preview always showed a valid result if the assigned result was empty (regardless of whether an empty result was allowed).

December 15, 2022

Version 1.21.9

  • Regression fixed: Splitting by QR codes and barcodes no longer worked properly
  • Some optimizations

December 14, 2022

Version 1.21.8

  • An error could occur when processing larger PDF files.
  • In the rule editor, in the cleanup and formatting section, an error could occur when moving entries.

December 13, 2022

Version 1.21.7

  • An error occurred when scrolling through the values of some drop-down selection lists using the mouse wheel.

December 12, 2022

Version 1.21.6

  • New option: Menu -> Options -> Other -> Check monitored folders of a profile for overlaps when saving
  • When previewing filter results and checking for overlaps, system resources are now taken into account.
  • Dynamic attachments: a part of the settings was cut off at higher resolutions.

December 9, 2022

Version 1.21.5

  • If a file name contained several consecutive underscores, they were unintentionally shortened to one underscore.

December 7, 2022

Version 1.21.4

  • Order changed: the Rename task is now performed after the OCR.
  • There are now several options for the output file resolution when performing OCR.
  • Some optimizations.

December 6, 2022

Version 1.21.3

  • When capturing some QR codes, there was an error message related to the dimensions.
  • The setting options for QR and barcodes have been simplified.
  • Improved detection of vertical barcodes.
  • Improved utilization of multiple processor cores when capturing QR and bar codes on systems with sufficient memory.
  • The position of the detected QR or barcode is now indicated by a green frame.
  • On monitors with low resolution, non-resizable windows are limited to the available space.
  • When sending via Outlook, the Outlook default setting for attaching a possible signature is now taken into account.
  • When sending via Outlook, there is now an additional option: Open message in Outlook.

November 29, 2022

Version 1.21.2

  • The sorting of the file names now corresponds to that of the Explorer (with the exception of its error a.pdf stands behind a - 1.pdf).

November 17, 2022

Version 1.21.1

  • Files can be moved to the recycle bin after successful processing.
  • Some optimizations.

November 9, 2022

Version 1.21.0

  • File groupings for processing related files
  • Merge documents
  • Send PDF files with dyn. attachments - revised and much more flexible
  • Merge PDF files
  • Split by placeholder (start a new document at each change)
  • Cleanup or format with Excel list (column 1: search term, column 2: result)
  • OCR (make files searchable)
  • Save Outlook message as draft only

October 10, 2022

Version 1.20.6

  • Fixed a potential problem when determining the Outlook default account.
  • If settings for sending emails were made or changed from the profile settings and not via Options -> Send settings, the program had to be restarted once afterwards so that the changed send settings were recognized.

July 25, 2022

Version 1.20.5

  • Previewing the filter result and checking for filter overlaps have been split into two separate tabs.

July 11, 2022

Version 1.20.4

  • Speed optimization for the preview of the filter results.

July 7, 2022

Version 1.20.3

  • A problem with switching the current sample file was fixed.
  • Some optimizations.

July 5, 2022

Version 1.20.2

  • There was a problem with the latest version of a third-party DLL, so its previous version is now used.

July 4, 2022

Version 1.20.1

  • When splitting, the value "Exclude documents with less than X characters" could not be changed.

July 4, 2022

Version 1.20.0

  • The content of QR codes or barcodes can be read and used as placeholders.
  • Documents can be split by QR codes or barcodes.
  • Additional options for a subsequent program when splitting: execution only once (after successful run), execution after each new partial document, execution once after splitting has been performed.
  • Support of the period Current Day when automatically sending or saving an Excel report.
  • Correction: Automatic sending of the Excel report now also works via Outlook.
  • Since Microsoft recently disabled the SMTP and EWS protocols for Exchange Online, only a local Exchange server can be supported as a third sending option for sending emails.
  • "Search whole word" option for the data types Query and Query (With List).
  • For data extraction rules, previous extraction rules can be used in the new data source Placeholders.
  • Support of using a filter list with the filter type Does Not Contain.
  • Multiple recipients are now supported when sending via SMTP.
  • Some optimizations and corrections.

February 11, 2022

Version 1.19.4

  • Some optimizations.

February 8, 2022

Version 1.19.3

  • Regression fixed: Splitting documents only worked if no filter was set.

January 27, 2022

Version 1.19.2

  • Displaying of Excel report corrected - if no processing took place during the set period, "01.01.0001 - 01.01.0001" was displayed as the period.

January 19, 2022

Version 1.19.1

  • After activating the option to automatically send and/or save Excel reports, this was only performed regularly from the next day, regardless of the selected start time. Regardless of this, automated sending of the report is only possible once per day. Changes to the creation time only take effect on the next day, provided that a report has already been sent or saved for the current day.
  • Locked and thus temporarily ignored files are now included in the error report for traceability purposes.

January 12, 2022

Version 1.19.0

  • When checking filter results, filter overlaps are now also displayed.

In this context, filter overlaps mean that

  1. several profiles monitor the same folder and
  2. at least one of these profiles would also process the sample files of another profile due to insufficient filter criteria and
  3. that an error occurred during the test processing of these sample files.

For example, 2 profiles could exist that process logs and invoices from the same company from the same source folder Scans. As filter criterion, only the company name is specified. If the log profile does not find the term "Protocol no." in the file to be processed because an invoice was scanned, then the processing of the file would be aborted and an entry would be added to the tab Error in the log area. This source of error should thus become avoidable.

January 7, 2022

Version 1.18.2

  • Further improvements in processing rotated PDF pages made searchable afterwards.
  • Some optimizations.

January 7, 2022

Version 1.18.1

  • Support for rotated PDF pages made searchable afterwards.

December 28, 2021

Version 1.18.0

  • There is now a notification if a folder is monitored by multiple profiles, but the extraction rules do not contain any filters (as this would lead to processing errors).
  • Some optimizations.

December 15, 2021

Version 1.17.1

  • Some optimizations.

December 7, 2021

Version 1.17.0

  • Support of placeholders for the message subject.
  • Error fixed: when using static attachments, the currently processed file was added to the message once again as well (exclusively when sending via SMTP).

December 7, 2021

Version 1.16.0

  • Additional filter for the path of the file (excluding filename).

December 6, 2021

Version 1.15.0

  • Numerous selection options for SMTP encryption method added. Default is Automatic Negotiation.
  • Scrollbars for entering the message text added.

November 29, 2021

Version 1.14.1

  • Problem solved: When using regular expressions for the keyword in conjunction with specifying a specific page number, the following error message was issued: Determined data area is invalid.

November 17, 2021

Version 1.14.0

  • Using the printer's default settings (ignoring page settings) is now activated on a profile-specific basis rather than globally in the options. This allows individual settings to be made for different printers.

November 15, 2021

Version 1.13.1

  • When determining the email recipient address from a CSV file, a crash occurred if the file was locked by Excel.

November 15, 2021

Version 1.13.0

  • When sending dynamic attachments, any file types can now be used.

November 11, 2021

Version 1.12.4

  • Fixed problem extracting data from the last page of a document (with setting: page x from the end).

November 2, 2021

Version 1.12.3

  • Some optimizations.

November 1, 2021

Version 1.12.2

  • Fixed older problem with cleanup/formatting

November 1, 2021

Version 1.12.1

  • Fixed newer problem with cleanup/formatting

November 1, 2021

Version 1.12.0

  • Support for sending emails through an Exchange server

October 29, 2021

Version 1.11.3

  • When sending emails, placeholders in the message text were not replaced
  • Fixed sporadic error when determining filter results for the preview
  • Some optimizations

October 25, 2021

Version 1.11.2

  • Fixed an error related to queries.

October 25, 2021

Version 1.11.1

  • A split setting was not saved.
  • Some optimizations.

October 25, 2021

Version 1.11.0

  • Options - new category "Lists for queries" - allows to provide dynamic lists (content from file) for use as filters or as query with list
  • Query with list - support for dynamic lists - load content from file
  • Query with list - menu item to add placeholders/operators when creating/editing a static list
  • Email send settings are now also accessible from the task "Send file"
  • In the task "Split file -> by keywords", placeholders can now also be used as filter criteria
  • When duplicating profiles, it is now possible to specify in the button menu whether the new profile should subsequently be selected and/or opened for editing
  • The log area can now be minimized/restored with a new one-click button
  • Added an option to allow an empty query result
  • Filter -> PDF data -> Text contains/does not contain: new option to search only in specific pages
  • Filter results can now be checked against the sample files
  • Placeholder for the name of the Windows user added

October 12, 2021

Version 1.10.1

  • After changing the keyword for determining the data area, the preview jumped back to the first sample file.

October 11, 2021

Version 1.10.0

  • When using the data types "Query" and "Query with list", the current sample file can be set or changed.
  • For the "Query" and "Query with list" data types, a preview of the document is now displayed, along with matching search results.
  • Adding and moving entries in the editor is no longer sluggish.
  • Using network shared USB printers could cause problems. Therefore, there is now a new option in Options -> Other: Simplified printer availability check. This option is active by default.
  • Ability to filter pages when splitting files by:
    • Exclusion of pages with less than X characters.
    • Exclusion of pages with/without the search term ABC.
  • Fixed bug with: Replace all occurrences of a text.
  • Performance optimizations.

September 15, 2021

Version 1.9.1

  • Regression fixed: query with list did not work since last update.
  • Regression fixed: When renaming, a numbering was added on catch-up in some cases, although this was not necessary.
  • The program now responds when a toolbar button is clicked even if the application window is not active.

September 8, 2021

Version 1.9.0

  • If only the task Print is active, it is no longer necessary to specify a sample document.
  • Improved quick preview of the verification result.
  • Detected values (date, number) are additionally displayed in standard format on the Verification tab.
  • Some optimizations.

September 1, 2021

Version 1.8.8

  • Error correction for Replace/Remove the text -> All occurrences.
  • The ampersand "&" was displayed as an underscore in the status column of the log.
  • When using the task type Rename, the setting for the procedure "if a file with the same name already exists" was not respected and a failure occurred in these cases.

August 27, 2021

Version 1.8.7

  • Fixed problem when reading corrupted metadata.

August 25, 2021

Version 1.8.6

  • The use of a custom date format must now be activated as an option. By default, the date format is determined automatically.

August 25, 2021

Version 1.8.5

  • Date format detection when using the data type Date failed for some month names.
  • When using the data type Date, the date format is now automatically detected and only needs to be be specified for invalid date formats.

August 23, 2021

Version 1.8.4

  • The placeholder <SplittingNumberWithLeadingZeros{1}> was not evaluated - therefore the insertion of leading zeros in the new file numbering was not possible.
  • Some optimizations.

August 23, 2021

Version 1.8.3

  • Fixed license check issue introduced in version 1.8.2.

August 20, 2021

Version 1.8.2

  • Some optimizations.

July 28, 2021

Version 1.8.1

  • Task Send Email: if in the setting "Email address from CSV file" no CSV file was specified, a crash occurred.

July 23, 2021

Version 1.8.0

  • New button Step-by-step Instructions (can be hidden in Options -> General).
  • Missing translations added.
  • Some optimizations.

July 22, 2021

Version 1.7.0

  • Print settings revised and user-defined scaling in percent added as setting option.
  • Some profile presets can now be set in the options.
  • If multiple rules were created with the same name, they were listed in the placeholder menu accordingly many times. Now only one rule per name is displayed.
  • New option Add Logical OR for the input field Keywords (Set data area).
  • Some optimizations.

July 14, 2021

Version 1.6.0

  • Options --> Other - Automatically add the trimming function to new rules. The option is active by default.

July 13, 2021

Version 1.5.0

  • New task type: Send PDF file as email. Send settings can be set in the options separately from the settings for notifications.
  • After sending emails, a subsequent pause can now be set in the options. This avoids the problem of running into a possible limitation of the email provider.
  • Possibility to create exception rules in Options --> Other to solve the following problem: When folders including subfolders are monitored, the contents of newly created subfolders are indexed first. If new PDF files are always placed in new subfolders, they can now be processed as well.
  • Last application date of a profile is now always up-to-date.
  • The log filter now also supports the profile name.
  • Log entries can be removed and restored.
  • Profile --> Example Files - files can now also be removed from the list with the DEL key.
  • Automatically restore application window if application is already running.
  • Excel reports can now not only be automatically emailed, but also saved to disk.
  • Edit --> Replace the text/Remove the text - the option "All occurrences" has been added.
  • Further addition for Edit --> Extract line no. x lines from/to.
  • Some bug fixes and optimizations.

May 31, 2021

Version 1.4.8

  • When using the option "CSV collective file", it is mandatory to set a file name. It now appears a message if this is not given.
  • It has been excluded that file names can have a double ending. Previously, this was possible, for example, in the CSV collection file, if the file name mistakenly contained an extension. The extension is automatically assigned by the program depending on the output format.

May 27, 2021

Version 1.4.7

  • Fixed bug: Splitting pages by keywords did not work if the filter "Page does not contain" contained a term.
  • Fixed bug: In the settings for saving a CSV extract, fallback rules were listed.

May 25, 2021

Version 1.4.6

  • 2 bugs have been fixed. One of the two bugs: failure of rule verification did not cause processing of the corresponding file to fail under certain circumstances.

May 6, 2021

Version 1.4.5

  • Bug fixed: If a regular expression was applied to a placeholder when setting the dynamic subfolder, an error was reported in case of non-fulfillment, even if the respective file was supposed to be excluded from the processing by setting filters.

May 5, 2021

Version 1.4.4

  • The values specified for the cleanup do not have to be contained anymore - this is only necessary for formatting. Example: Replace xyz with abc - the cleanup was previously invalid if xyz was not contained in the document text.

May 4, 2021

Version 1.4.3

  • Trimming (tab "Cleanup" and tab "Formatting") now also removes leading and trailing blank lines.
  • Fixed UHD scaling issue with the log filter.

April 30, 2021

Version 1.4.2

  • A problem with the check interval has been solved.

April 30, 2021

Version 1.4.1

  • For the path of the storage folder, a regular expression can now be applied to a placeholder when setting the dynamic subfolder. However, this functionality is more for allowing the file to be stored in multiple folders. For example, if a placeholder contains 3 different case numbers, this allows the file to be stored in all 3 subfolders, each named after the case number.
  • Some optimizations.

April 14, 2021

Version 1.3.1

  • Fixed a potential error when loading log data.

April 12, 2021

Version 1.3.0

  • The function "Replace the regex result with the text" now supports the use of the result groups ($1, $2, $3 etc.).
  • Send notifications can now be set as an option when catching up.
  • Before writing the CSV collection file, a backup copy with the file extension .bak is now created in the destination folder and deleted after successful processing - otherwise used for recovery during the next processing.
  • Optimizations for the centrally managed profile file.
  • The verification result of a rule is now additionally displayed in the text of the tab.

April 1, 2021

Version 1.2.3

  • Some error corrections.

March 29, 2021

Version 1.2.2

  • Problem with sending notifications solved.

March 27, 2021

Version 1.2.1

  • Page dimensions available for naming.
  • New task type "Split pages" - split documents by maximum file size, bookmarks, number of pages or keywords.
  • Additional data type: query (with list) - query occurrences of search words in the document and return result value according to the list.
  • Message when example files no longer exist.
  • New option for saving extracted data as CSV file: Append extract to existing/new file.
  • Error corrections and optimizations.

February 19, 2021

Version 1.1.2

  • Some optimizations.

February 19, 2021

Version 1.1.1

  • On 4K monitors, some task settings were not fully visible.

February 18, 2021

Version 1.1.0

  • Additional print settings: Centered output as well as Size mode: Fit, Actual size.

February 13, 2021

Version 1.0.3

  • Fixed a problem when using a centrally managed profile file.

January 18, 2021

Version 1.0.2

  • When saving extracts as a CSV file, a version conflict with a DLL occurred.

January 11, 2021

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed problem with entering regular expressions for determining the search term.

December 28, 2020

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release.